Every year medical errors cause approximately 251,000 deaths in the United States according to a 2016 study. Very few people file a lawsuit for medical malpractice considering those numbers. We offer a free consultation and medical record review to determine whether you have a good medical medical malpractice case.
To discuss questions or concerns about your medical malpractice claim, please call us to schedule a free consultation with a Winter Haven medical malpractice attorney.
Different Types Of Medical Malpractice In Florida
A medical malpractice case must involve a breach of the generally accepted standard of care as defined in section 766.102, Fla. Stat. If you experienced any of the following, then you may have a valid medical malpractice claim:
- Late or missing diagnosis
- Failure to diagnose an urgent condition
- Incorrect procedure performed
- Contraindicated or improper medication prescriptions
- Failure to consult a specialist when necessary
- Hospital liability or nursing negligence
- Unnecessary diagnostic testing or procedures
- Wrong site surgery
- Foreign objects left in the body
- Malfunction of surgical robot
Expert Review With Similar Credentials
Florida medical malpractice cases are reviewed from the records and sometimes imaging films that are available. To do this, we first review the records and evidence ourselves and then hire a physician with the same credentials as the one we believe caused your injury.
This process is mandated by Florida law the “pre-suit process.” Failure to comply with the pre-suit process will result in dismissal of your case. The intent behind the law is so that only good malpractice cases are filed by plaintiff’s lawyers.
Damages Available In Medical Malpractice Lawsuits
- In Florida, you can claim damages for the following in your medical malpractice lawsuit:
- Past and future medical expenses
- Pain and suffering
- Disfigurement
- Loss of capacity for the enjoyment of life
- Lost wages or future earning capacity loss
- Loss of consortium for your spouse
Oftentimes, the largest component of value in a medical malpractice case is pain and suffering. Medical expenses are often covered by health insurance or are simply waived by the responsible medical medical provider as they cannot equitably charge for medical treatment that they caused or contributed to.
Developing Medical Community
The city of Winter Haven has a growing population of over 48,000 people. Winter Haven is home to Winter Haven Hospital, which is owned by BayCare. This hospital serves the residents of Winter Haven including surrounding areas of Eloise, Wahneta, Jan Phyl Village, Eagle Lake, and Dundee for emergency and inpatient needs. Winter Haven also has a number of independent physicians practicing in their own offices with hospital privileges. Gessler Clinic and Bond Clinic are also major players in the Winter Haven marketplace for medical care.
Read more to learn about different terms used in Florida medical malpractice cases.
Find Out If An Attorney Thinks You Have a Malpractice Case
If you or a loved one has suffered injury or death as a result of medical malpractice, please contact a Winter Haven medical malpractice lawyer for your free case review. We offer a free and confidential consultation to determine whether medical malpractice was the cause of your injury and what you can do next.
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Quick Answers to Common Medical Malpractice Questions
☑ How long do I have to file a medical malpractice lawsuit?There is a general 2 years statute of limitation from the date of the incident, however, you may have more time under certain circumstances.
Yes, if you can. This is a good idea because your attorney needs the records in order to determine whether you have a case. Having your records upfront gives you a head start.
Florida requires doctors with staff privileges at a hospital to have at least $250,000 in coverage. Doctors outside of hospitals are not required to carry coverage.
See More On Our Blog
For recent legal topics, please see our medical malpractice blog or see answers to frequently asked questions. We help clients with medical malpractice cases located in the Winter Haven and Polk County, Florida.