Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice Blog

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Insurer Not Allowed to Intervene in Underlying Case

Truck Accidents

In the case of Lexington Insurance Company v. Towanna James, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Noami James, et al, Case Number 1D19-1954 (Fla. 1st DCA May 8, 2020), Florida’s First DCA held that an insurance company with the amount of damages limited by a bankruptcy...

Temporary Immunity Provided For COVID-19 Medical Care

Medical Malpractice

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, passed by Congress and signed into law on March 27, 2020, provides temporary immunity regarding COVID-19 emergency treatment from volunteers. Subsequently in March 2021, the Florida Legislature passed sweeping...


Applying Owner Liability Caps In Florida

Car Accidents

In the case of Brian Walker, as personal representative of the Estate of Sophie C. Walker v. GEICO Inemnity Company, Case Number 4D18-3706 (Fla. 4th DCA March 25, 2020), Florida’s Fourth DCA held that an at-fault driver with coverage under four policies had more than the...

No Claim For Losing Cremated Remains Under Impact Rule

Personal Injury

In the case of Deon Williams v. Boyd-Panciera Family Funeral Care, Inc., Case Numbers 4D19-473 and 4D19-838, Florida’s Fourth DCA held that the parents of a deceased child had no claim for emotional distress after a funeral home lost the cremated remains of their child because...

Motel Cannot Blame Third Party For Negligent Security

Personal Injury

In the case of The Waves of Hialeah, Inc. v. Julia Machado, et al, Case Number 3D18-300 (Fla. 3d DCA February 19, 2020), Florida’s Third DCA held that a motel could not blame a third party for negligent security without a special relationship in a premises liability claim. ...

Personal Injury Medical Record

Overcharging For Medical Records When Request Comes From A Lawyer

Personal Injury

In the case of Patricia Webber v. Bactes Imaging Solutions, Inc. n/k/a Sharecare Health Data Services, LLC, Case Numbers 2D18-2964 and 2D18-4813 (Fla. 2d DCA January 15, 2020), Florida’s Second DCA held that overcharging for patient records just because the request for records...

Summary Judgment on Statute of Limitations for Medical Malpractice

Medical Malpractice

In the case of Misty Mobley and Tavaris Sanders v. Homestead Hospital, Inc., Case Number 3D18-895 (Fla. 3rd DCA December 26, 2019), Florida’s Third DCA held that contacting an attorney and requesting medical records pursuant to section 766.204, Fla. Stat. is not sufficient to...

Truck Accident Lawyer Lakeland FL

Florida Medical Malpractice Arbitration Caps Upheld

Medical Malpractice

In the case of Taylor Poole, MD v. Deborah DeFranko, et al., Case Number 3D18-1809 (Fla. 3rd DCA December 18, 2019), Florida’s Third DCA held that Florida’s damage caps in medical malpractice arbitration and the sanction for failing to accept arbitration are...

DUI Accident Justice Lakeland FL

Per Person Bodily Injury Limit in Wrongful Death Cases

Wrongful Death

In the case of Auto Club Insurance Company of Florida v. Estate of Normal Lewis and Billie Jarrard, Case Number 5D18-3439 (December 13, 2019), Florida’s Fifth DCA held that the per person bodily injury liability limit of a Florida automobile policy only applied to the...


Trailer Maintenance Is Not A Non-Delegable Duty

Truck Accidents

In the case of Tuong Vi Le v. Colonial Freight Systems, Inc., Case Number 1D18-39 (Fla. 1st DCA December 4, 2019), Florida’s First DCA held that a semi-trailer owner is not responsible under a theory of non-delegable duty for negligent maintenance of the trailer. Instead, the...

Rear End Car Accident Lakeland FL

Rear End Presumption For Sudden Stops At An Intersection

Car Accidents

In the case of Lynn Fonger v. James Nall, Case Number 5D17-2927 (Fla. 5th DCA November 15, 2019), Florida’s Fifth DCA held that the sudden stop of an unidentified vehicle at an intersection does not rebut the rear-end presumption of negligence in Florida. Therefore, the...

Nationwide Gets Stuck Paying On Proposal For Settlement

Car Accidents

In the case of Sandra Davis v. Jessica Muro consolidated with Nationwide v. Jessica Muro, Case Numbers 4D18-907 and 4D18-2824 (Fla. 4th DCA November 13, 2019), Florida’s Fourth DCA held that an insurance company losing on a proposal for settlement is required to cover attorney...


Mobile Gym Is Not Considered An Uninsured Vehicle

Car Accidents

In the case of Natalie S. Deutsch v. GEICO General Insurance Company, Case Number 4D18-2714 (Fla. 4th DCA October 30, 2019), Florida’s Fourth DCA held that a mobile gym operated out of the back of a truck was not considered an uninsured vehicle for purposes of UM...

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