Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice Blog

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Attorney Referral Fee That Did Not Comply With Rule Was Void

Personal Injury

In the case of Steven B. Katz et al. v. Frank, Weinberg & Black, PL, Case Number 4D18-1215 (Fla. 4th DCA January 30, 2019), a noncompliant agreement for approximately $500,000 in referral fees on a contingency fee case was considered void under Florida because the attorneys did...


Pre-Suit Affidavit From Same Medical Specialty Required

Medical Malpractice

In the case of Michelle Davis as personal representative of the Estate of Sandra Dale Essex v. Michael A. Karr, M.D., et al, Case Number 5D18-149 (Fla. 5th DCA January 25, 2019), Florida’s Fifth DCA held that pre-suit affidavits from an emergency room physician, a radiologist,...


Insurance Companies Try To Sue Their Own Attorneys

Personal Injury

In the case of Arch Insurance Company, v. Kubicki Draper, LLP, Case Number 4D17-2889 (Fla. 4th DCA January 23, 2019), the insurance company sought to hold the law firm it hired to defend its insured responsible for malpractice after the insurance company was “forced” to...


Personal Representative Has Right To Challenge Medicaid Lien

Car Accidents

In the case of Ammar Al Batha v. Agency For Health Care Administration, Case Number 1D17-828 (Fla. 1st DCA January 14, 2019), Florida’s First DCA held that the estate of a Medicaid recipient has standing to challenge Medicaid’s lien rights after the death of the...


Testifying Expert’s Notes Not Allowed In Evidence

Car Accidents

In the case of State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company v. Karl H. Wallace, Case Numbers 5D17-813 and 5D17-2852, (Fla. 5th DCA December 21 2018), Florida’s Fifth DCA held that a testifying radiologist’s annotations made to MRI films were not admissible into...


Lee County Memorial Lien Law Declared Unconstitutional

Personal Injury

In the case of Lee Memorial Health System v. Progressive Select Insurance Company, the Florida Supreme Court held that Lee County’s hospital lien ordinance was unconstitutional as a “special law” improperly impairing private contracts. The LMHS Lien Law And How...


Proximate Cause Does Not Need To Be The Primary Cause

Medical Malpractice

In the case of Rolando P. Ruiz v. Tenet Hialeah Healthsystem, Inc., Case Number SC17-1562 (Fla. December 20, 2018), a directed verdict in favor of a defendant doctor was reversed by the Florida Supreme Court because a directed verdict is improper unless all potential malpractice has...


UM Motorcycle Exclusion Held To Be Ambiguous

Motorcycle Accidents

In the case of Jesse Anthony Eckols v. 21st Century Centennial Insurance Company, Case Number 5D17-2904 (Fla. 5th DCA December 7, 2018), Florida’s Fifth DCA held that the UIM exclusion while riding a motorcycle in the plaintiff’s automobile policy was ambiguous and,...


Stacking Of Inferences Is Generally Not Allowed Under Florida Law

Car Accidents

In the case of State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company v. Denise Lorraine Hanania, Case Number 1D17-2237 (Fla. 1st DCA December 10, 2018), Florida’s First DCA refused to allow State Farm to defend an uninsured motorist claim with ridiculous arguments. In this case, a...

Russo Law, P.A. Law Books

Joint and Several Liability Not Substantive Right In Florida

Personal Injury

In the case of Brown & Brown, Inc. v. James T. Gelsomino and Ace American Insurance Company, Case Number 4D17-3737 (Fla. 4th DCA November 28, 2018), Florida’s Fourth DCA held that a right to have a case outcome determined by the joint and several liability scheme in...


Procedure When Defendant To Florida Personal Injury Lawsuit Dies

Personal Injury

In the case of Sandra Mattick v. Ernie Lisch, Case Number 2D17-3645 (Fla. 2d DCA November 2, 2018), Florida’s Second DCA reversed a dismissal for failure to substitute a deceased party and outlined the proper procedure for what should be done when the defendant to a personal...


Florida Supreme Court Disagrees With Using Daubert Standard

Personal Injury

In the case of Richard Delisle v. Crane Co., Case Number SC16-2182 (Fla. October 15, 2018), the Florida Supreme Court announced its disapproval of the Daubert standard as an unconstitutional infringement on the Court’s rule making authority.  The Court had previously rejected...


Additur When Jury Finds That Permanent Injury Exists

Car Accidents

In the case of Ashley Pogue v. Jennifer Garib, Case Number 4D17-2638 (Fla. 4th DCA October 3, 2018), Florida’s Fourth DCA reversed a $20,000 additur for pain and suffering added by the judge after a jury awarded zero dollars in pain and suffering despite finding that the...


Jury Should Hear Causation Issues In Neck Injury Case

Car Accidents

In the case of State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company v. Joseph V. Ferranti, Case Numbers 5D16-3980 and 5D17-756 (Fla. 5th DCA September 28, 2018), Florida’s Fifth DCA held that summary judgment for causation issues in a car accident case is not appropriate. Facts Of...


Knowing Rejection Of UM On GEICO Policy

Car Accidents

In the case of GEICO Indemnity Company v. Ricardo Perez, Case Numbers 3D17-2317, 2407, and 2514 (Fla. 3rd DCA September 20, 2018), Florida’s Third DCA held that a $1.7 million jury verdict in a UM case needed retrial on the issue of whether the insured’s rejection of UM...

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