Finding The Right Medical Treatment After An Accident In Polk County

Car Accidents

In this article, you can discover… A man with a leg cast sits in a hospital room, reflecting on his medical treatment following an accident in Polk County. - Russo Law

  • Where to find medical care after an accident.
  • What to do if you don’t have health insurance. 
  • How to correctly document your injuries. 

Where Can I Find Medical Treatment After An Accident? 

If you are in immediate pain after the accident, you should go to a hospital and get checked out. There are a number of life-threatening conditions that may need to be ruled out to ensure your safety.

If you are not in immediate pain, you should still get to an urgent care clinic or chiropractor in the days following your accident. In Florida, you have 14 days to seek medical care and document injuries resulting from an accident, so the sooner you seek care, the better.

How Do I Find A Reputable Medical Provider While My Florida Personal Injury Claim Is Resolved?

If you do not already know a reputable medical provider, then a great source is a personal injury attorney. If you need to make an injury claim, then the initial consultation with a personal injury attorney is usually the time when you will be referred to a quality medical provider for your accident case.

What Options Do I Have If I Don’t Have Health Insurance In Florida?

If you do not have health insurance, your personal injury attorney can help you find a doctor who is willing to accept a promise to pay from your settlement. This is called a “letter of protection.” 

This helps ensure you get the quality medical care needed to treat you and document injuries without worrying about immediately paying a bill. 

What Are The Benefits Of Seeing A Doctor And Following Through With Prescribed Medical Care?

Seeing a doctor and following through with recommendations from your doctor are important for your health and for your case. Your personal injury case is only as good as the medical diagnoses that you receive, and seeing a doctor is the only way to get that diagnosis.

What’s more, it’s important to do everything that you can to get better after an injury. To this end, be sure to follow your doctor’s recommendations for rest, medication, or restrictions and take your recovery seriously.

How Do I Document My Medical Treatment For My Personal Injury Case In Florida?

Personal injury cases are all about documentation. Your injury is primarily documented through the medical records in your case. However, you can also take photographs and videos of your injuries.

You can have a family member help you take further videos of your attempts to do things that you are no longer able to do as a result of your injury.

Some photos are more helpful than others; be sure to exclude still photographs that don’t adequately show pain or an inability to do something. You can also video record your home health exercises as recommended by your doctor to document your physical limitations and pain after the accident. 

Can You Describe A Time That You Helped Your Client Find Needed Medical Treatment? How Did That Impact Their Case? 

I helped a client who “walked away” from a very serious accident find several doctors for their treatment. Getting this client to the right doctors made an enormous difference in value for the case because medical imaging and treatment were obtained early on.

Had the client waited to seek treatment, then the insurance company may have argued that the client’s treatment was not actually needed and may not have been necessary. It is difficult to criticize someone for seeking medical treatment early on in a case.

For more information on Finding The Right Medical Treatment After An Accident In Polk County, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (863) 243-6166 today.

December 26, 2024