RV Runs Stop Sign on US17 in Lake Wales
Car AccidentsThree serious injuries resulted from an accident where an RV ran a stop sign on US17 in Lake Wales, Florida on December 4, 2016. James Titsworth was driving a 2005 Gulfstream RV westbound on Mammoth Grove Road when he ran a stop sign and entered US17 improperly. Anthony Strickland was driving nortbound on US17 in a 2012 Ford Escape when the RV pulled in front of him. Strickland had Priscilla Johnson as a passenger at the time of the accident. All three people were airlifted to hospitals. Witnesses reported that Strickland was traveling at normal highway speeds of approximately 55 mph. This accident was clearly Mr. Titsworth’s fault as he ran the stop sign.
Serious Accidents Happen When The Rules Aren’t Followed
The rules of the road exist for a reason. Our society depends on people following the rules of the road. We do not know in particular what caused Mr. Titworth to miss the stop sign, but something in the vehicle must have distracted him. It could have been a cell phone, GPS, or the radio. Regardless of the reason, failing to stop at a stop sign in Florida is negligence and is legally actionable. Mr. Strickland and Ms. Johnson have personal injury claims for their medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost wages or a loss of earning capacity under Florida law. We hope that there is sufficient insurance available to adequately cover their injuries, inconvenience, and time off from work.
A Car Accident Lawyer Brings Your Case to Resolution
When you hire a Polk County car accident attorney, you are getting the advice of someone who should be able to tell you how to satisfy your medical obligations and still place money in your pocket to cover some of your most pressing needs such as rent, gas, and groceries. At Russo Law, we can help you with your car accident claim and make sure that you are getting the most out of your settlement. We can help you get the follow-up care that you will need to get back on your feet and we can help you get the medical bills resolved. We frequently are able to obtain reductions of 33-50% on medical expenses that are not otherwise covered by insurance.
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3 injured in 2-vehicle crash near Lake Wales https://t.co/RGJAUFAhEj pic.twitter.com/JBiKeIYtuR
— The Ledger (@theledger) December 4, 2016
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