Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice Blog

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Semi-Truck Accident I-4 At Park Road With Injuries

Truck Accidents

Hailey Ruiz lost control of her vehicle on I-4 near Park Road in Plant City, Florida at approximately 5:00 a.m. around mile marker 22.  Thereafter, she crossed over the median and struck a Coca-Cola semi-truck heading the opposite direction.  The accident caused the truck to land...

Personal Injury Medical Record

Neurosurgeon Gets Life In Prison For Botched Surgeries

Medical Malpractice

The sentence is LIFE in prison for surgeon Christopher Duntsch. @NBCDFW #NBCDFWNow — Ken Kalthoff (@KenKalthoffNBC5) February 20, 2017 Christopher Duntsch, a neurosurgeon, was charged with aggravated assault and received a life sentence after several...


Same Specialty Not Required

Medical Malpractice

In case number SC16-181, the Florida Supreme Court declined to adopt the “same specialty” rule for “standard of care” experts in Florida medical malpractice cases.  In 2012, the Florida Legislature amended section 766.102(5)(a), Fla. Stat. to require a...


Lakeland Hooters Sued For Serving Too Much Alcohol

Wrongful Death

Jessica McCausland filed a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of her stepmother, Betty Monroe, suing the Hooters restaurant on US98 in North Lakeland.  David Joseph McCausland died in a car accident on November 6, 2015 when a Corvette driven by Timothy Alan Lundy struck...


Florida Doctor Accused Of False Skin Cancer Diagnoses

Medical Malpractice

Although Dr. Marder owns a 12,700-square-foot home valued at $28 million, it can’t legally be seized in FL. — Derm Media (@DermMedia) February 12, 2017 Dr. Gary Marder runs Marder Dermatology in Port St. Lucie, Florida and is reported to be accused...


Car Chase Ends In Crash In Lakeland

Car Accidents

Lakeland Police officers began chasing a stolen car after it was discovered at a gas station on Lakeland Hills Boulevard on February 7, 2017.  Prior to locating the stolen vehicle, the Plant City Police Department had requested backup for a stolen car vehicle that was headed...


Liability For Injuries While Horse Riding In Florida

Personal Injury

In Florida, there is a general rule that the owner of a horse is not legally responsible for injuries that occur while allowing a third person to ride the horse.  There are a number of exceptions to this general rule outlined below. General Immunity For Horse Owner Is The...


Highland City Car Accident on US98 Near Smith Lane

Car Accidents

Amanda N. Robinson died as a result of injuries sustained in a car accident on US98 going northbound near Smith Lane in Highland City, Florida.  The Ledger reports that the accident happened at approximately 4:10 p.m. on February 1, 2017 when Robinson went off the right shoulder...


Pedestrian Hit Crossing Massachusetts Ave. in Lakeland

Wrongful Death

Terry Joe Young died of injuries sustained in a pedestrian accident on Massachusetts Avenue in Lakeland, Florida on January 31, 2017.  The accident happened at approximately 6:07 a.m. when Young was hit by Margaret Bowman going southbound on Massachusetts Ave.  Bowman was...


South Florida Avenue Accident Causes Head Injury To Pedestrian

Car Accidents

Southbbound lanes of S. Fl Ave from Edgewood to Valencia closed due to accident. Northbound lanes lanes of traffic backed up. — LakelandPD (@LakelandPD) January 27, 2017 An accident at the intersection of South Florida Avenue and East Edgewood Drive in...


Florida Supreme Court Rules on No-Fault Fee Schedules

Car Accidents

On January 26, 2017, the Florida Supreme Court issued a written opinion in the case of Allstate Insurance Company v. Orthopedic Specialists, SC15-2298 (Fla. 2017) regarding Medicare fee schedules under Florida no-fault insurance. Statute Amended in 2009 Prior to the amendment of...


Heavy Fog to Blame for Lake Wales Truck Accident

Truck Accidents

Christopher Ellis sustained serious injuries as a result of an accident with several semi-trucks on State Road 60 at the intersection with Logistics Parkway in Lake Wales, Florida.  The accident happened at approximately 6:00 a.m. on the morning of January 25, 2017 with heavy...


Crossover Accident on CR557 in Lake Alfred

Wrongful Death

A crossover car accident in Lake Alfred, Florida on January 23, 2017 at approximately 1:15 a.m. took the life of Joseph Senatus.  Senatus was 49 years old and died after another driver, Mario Alejandro Rodriguez, crossed over the center line of CR557 striking Senatus’s...


RV Trailer Fishtails and Rolls Over In I-4 Accident

Car Accidents

A van towing an RV trailer on I-4 fishtailed resulting in an accident on January 17, 2017 near CR557 in Lake Alfred, Florida. The accident happened when the trailer veered off the shoulder of the highway causing the vehicle towing it to jackknife. The RV/mobile home rolled over and...


Lakeland Driver Causes Wrong Way DUI Accident On I-4

Wrongful Death

Travis Coats was intoxicated and driving the wrong way on I-4 in Polk County on January 14, 2017 when he caused a fatal crash.  Coats has been charged with DUI manslaughter, DUI with property damage, and DUI and driving in the wrong direction.  The accident caused the death...


Pedestrian Hit While Crossing Lakeland Hills Boulevard

Wrongful Death

John Robert Lynn was hit as a pedestrian while crossing the street at the 2100 block of Lakeland Hills Boulevard on January 12, 2017.  Mr. Lynn died as a result of injuries sustained in the accident.  He was 63 years old.  The accident happened at approximately 6:15...

Need To Prove A Medical Malpractice Claim?

(863) 243-6166

1135 Lakeland Hills Boulevard
Lakeland, Florida 33805


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