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Florida Supreme Court Asked To Reconsider Arbitration Agreements

Medical Malpractice

The Florida Supreme Court threw out an arbitration agreement in the case of Hernandez v. Crespo, Case Number SC15-67 (December 22, 2016) because it violated public policy.  Thereafter, the doctor and her medical group requested that the Court reconsider their decision. What...


Seven People Injured In Winter Haven Bus Accident on US17

Car Accidents

Seven people were injured in an accident between a pickup truck and a Winter Haven city bus (“Citrus Connection”) near the intersection of US17 and CR540 in Eagle Lake, Florida on January 11, 2017.  The accident happened at approximately 9:00 a.m. when the pickup...


Truck Hits Pedestrian on Sidewalk on Harden Boulevard

Car Accidents

Glenn Gillenwater was a pedestrian on the sidewalk on the west side of Harden Boulevard in Lakeland, Florida when he was struck by a pickup truck that had swerved and lost control.  Gillenwater was 63 years old.  The accident happened at approximately 2:45 p.m. when Michael...


Red Light Cameras Show Increase In Lakeland Accidents in 2016

Car Accidents

A report released on December 31, 2016 by the Florida DHSMV shows an increase in car accidents at intersection with red light cameras across Florida.  The City of Lakeland has 6 red lights cameras installed at various intersections.  Statewide, between July 2012 and April...


DUI Accident Results In Death Of Innocent Driver

Car Accidents

The innocent driver in a DUI accident on SR 60 at Falkenburg Road on January 4, 2017 died as a result of injuries sustained in the accident.  This accident happened when Johnathan Honza was headed westbound on SR60 and ran a red light.  The accident happened at...


Head Trauma To 4-Year-Old In US17 Accident in Bartow

Car Accidents

A car accident at the intersection of US Highway 17 and Bomber Road in Bartow, Florida resulted in a head trauma to a 4-year-old child on January 4, 2017.  The accident happened when Victoria Pedroza attempted to make a left hand turn from US17 onto Bomber Road.  She was...


Metal Recycling Truck Accident on I-75

Truck Accidents

A semi-truck carrying metal for recycling was involved in an accident on I-75 in Hillsborough County near Fowler Avenue on January 4, 2017.  The truck was traveling on I-75 when the driver lost control and fell off the bridge onto Fowler Avenue.  The truck was carrying...


Hazardous Material Leaks After Truck Accident On SR33

Truck Accidents

Four vehicles, including two semi-trucks, were involved in an accident on SR that resulted in a leaking hazardous materials container on January 3, 2017.  The accident happened at approximately 4:10 p.m. between two semi-trucks, a pickup, and an SUV.  The accident scene was located...


Neighborhood Bicycle Accident Takes Life Of 6-Year-Old Boy

Wrongful Death

Six-year-old, Camari Dennison, was on a bicycle and died as a result of an accident on New Year’s Day 2017 on 10th Street in Apopka, Florida.  The accident happened at approximately 3:30 p.m. when Soraya Youngblood struck Camari on his bicycle after he rode from a driveway...


BayCare Hospital System Introduces eCare for ICU Patients

Medical Malpractice

BayCare Hospital systems recently implemented a system it calls eCare, which is supposed to remotely monitor ICU patients from a central location.  BayCare claims that the system will improve patient safety by allowing an “extra set of eyes and ears” to monitor...


“Phantom” Driver Implicated in Accident With Fatalities

Car Accidents

An unidentified or “phantom” driver is reported to have caused April Gallon to take an evasive maneuver resulting in an accident that killed both of her daughters, aged 10 and 12, on December 28, 2016.  Kayla Johnson (age 10) and Jasmin Johnson (age 12) died of...


State Legislator Proposes New Texting and Driving Law

Car Accidents

State Representative, Carlos Guillermo Smith (Democrat), from House District 49 in Orange County has proposed a bill that seeks to make texting and driving a primary offense as opposed to a secondary offense.  Representative Smith is new to his office and appears to be seeking to...


Pit Bull Attacks 3-Year-Old in Groveland

Personal Injury

A three-year-old boy was bitten on his head and neck on December 21, 2016 in Groveland, Florida.  The incident happened when a pit bull belonging to the boy’s neighbor attacked the boy and his mother as they were walking into their neighbor’s backyard to see another...

Aria Qbit Stroller Recall December 20, 2016

Aria Qbit Stroller Recall for Risk of Lacerations and Collapsing

Product Liability

The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) announced on December 20, 2016 that Aria Child, a manufacturer of strollers for children, must recall its Qbit lightweight stroller.  A gap in the hinges of the stroller poses an unreasonable risk of a pinch injury...


Drunk Driving Causes Major Accident at Waters Avenue

Car Accidents

One driver is dead after a major accident was caused by a drunk driver at Waters Avenue and Dale Mabry Highway on December 21, 2016.  The accident happened at approximately 5:15 a.m.  The Waters Avenue intersection is a major intersection controlled by a traffic light and...


Dog Bites Boy’s Face in Winter Haven

Personal Injury

A four-year-old boy, Michael Roth, was bitten on the face by a dog in Winter Haven, Florida on December 21, 2016 at approximately 12:30 p.m.  The bite resulted in significant facial injuries as the child went to pick up an ornament for a Christmas tree.  Apparently the dog...


Polk Parkway Accident Cases SUV to Fall Off Bridge

Car Accidents

77-year-old Ruth Windham’s 2008 Buick SUV went over a guardrail on the Polk Parkway after an accident near the Cleveland Heights Boulevard bridge.  News reports indicate that she made an improper lane change striking the right front of a 2014 Nissan SUV driven by Melissa...

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(863) 243-6166

1135 Lakeland Hills Boulevard
Lakeland, Florida 33805


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